
Light. Shining into the darkness. It was there for me. Signaling to me. It was there all along, but I was looking the wrong way.

I had to look up from the pain, the hurt, the despair, the confusion, the chaos; and there it was.

It didn’t look the prettiest. The rain was still pounding, thunder still roared, and the darkness still engulfed me.

But God. He was still holding onto me.

Hope isn’t just an idea. It’s not just a pretty word to comfort you. Hope is real and it’s meant for you.

Ironically, I chose the middle name “Hope” for my daughter 13 years ago. I thought it was those pretty ideas. Peaceful, sweet, graceful. And yet, through my journey, I’ve learned the true meaning of hope.

Hope is where it all begins.  It’s what gets us to the good stuff. “I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him.” Romans 15:13

“Where Single Moms Find Hope.” That is our slogan at MOMS Canada. Not because it sounds good, but because it’s true. No matter what storm you’re in, or what problem you’re facing, there is hope.

But God. God, the source of hope. The source of light.

As Charles Stanley says, “It’s not easy, but it’s simple.”

Turn around, look away from the chaos, and look towards Him.

I’m still on the journey. The storms still rage. I’m just grateful that my source of hope has not waivered, I only need to look over my shoulder to see the light.

“Rain came, wind blew but my house was built on You. I’m safe with You, I’m going to make it through.” (Firm Foundation)

“We who have fled to Him for refuge can have great confidence as we hold to the hope that lies before us. This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls.” Hebrews 6:18-19


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